Saturday, March 31, 2007

Happy Fools Day !!!!!!

Now what to say i did the thing i never wanted to do i wonder that was it my prelude to fools day or was it for real but for the first time i spoke rudely to the person on whom i never wanted to get angry, but what to say i have my own ways of turning the mouth of all accusations on me, it wouldn't have taken much out of me just to speak nicely that time but i got carried away in anger so much that i couldn't even control the words coming out of my trap and so the thing that i never wanted to happen, happened, not that the person for whom those words meant really cared abt them the person to suffer at the end was only me don't know why and don't want to figure it out either.

What ever may be the reason may be it was the midsems, our old enemy of fun which springs up every month to take its toll on our fun and leaves crying gloomy faces behind, but it hardly seems to be the reason because we all get screwed up equally by xams and the best thing to do at that time is to tying being happy and dumping the tension because worrying is like a rocking chair,it gives u something to do, but gets u to nowhere, and some time with friends can really save u from long distressing hours and put u on right track, because friendship is not all about only merriment but for strong rebukes when friends go astray , and thats exactly what i tried to do which inevitably went wrong as all my past deeds went limbo.

Oh i got little weired what i am talking abt???? its fools day its my day.. so common all the fools its our day lets rock it :D:D:D HAPPY FOOLS DAY TO ALL THE FOOLS AROUND :) :) :) :)


Unknown said...

nice one,didn,think of such one before!just ausum!!!

Sumit said...

happy fools day...

u can really express ur confusion well ajeet... this article though a tough read but nice in a way that itz kind a diffrent....